Nabożeństwa majowe


Zmartwychwstał Pan


pw. św. Bartłomieja Apostoła


Archidiecezja Poznańska

1901 r.

1910 r.

1915 r.

1938 r.

1980 r.

2010 r.

2022 r.


po parafii

Nawiedzenie kopii cudownego wizerunku

Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej

w Starym Bojanowie 28 - 29 II 2020 r.

The experience of the apostles on the Mount of the Transfiguration strengthened their faith, even if at first they felt surprised and the events were beyond their understanding. Well, God sometimes reveals Himself in special ways: through events we’ve lived, people we meet, or we’ve received charisms. Initially, we feel confused in these situations. We don’t know what to think about it or how to proceed. It is important not to get scared and not to doubt yourself. We are simply to accept the gifts and be led by the Lord. And He will take care of everything else.

Jesus, I thank You for taking me with You so often to the Mount of Transfiguration and making Your presence there feel. I am asking You, Lord, for strength and perseverance in following You every day.