Nabożeństwa majowe


Zmartwychwstał Pan


pw. św. Bartłomieja Apostoła


Archidiecezja Poznańska

1901 r.

1910 r.

1915 r.

1938 r.

1980 r.

2010 r.

2022 r.


po parafii

Nawiedzenie kopii cudownego wizerunku

Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej

w Starym Bojanowie 28 - 29 II 2020 r.

Mary is a model of trust in God. Her “yes” to the angel’s words was anything but simple. No woman has yet received the privilege of becoming the Mother of the Son of God. And it was supposed to happen in such an extraordinary way: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and cover you with the power of the Most High.” God can surprise a person with charismatic gifts, but they are not for private use. If we receive a grace, we should share it. Its purpose is to build the community of the Church. The more we lose ourselves to God, the more grace flows into our lives.

Mary, on the day of the Annunciation you obeyed God by forgetting yourself. Teach me to fight the selfishness that keeps me from doing God’s will.